Wednesday, June 5, 2019

ATTENTION: Updates now on Facebook

For the sake of ease, from here on out, all of our updates will be posted to our Toews Adoption Facebook page. If you'd like to join the group to receive updates, follow this link:

Questions #2: Where are you in the process?

We have just begun the homestudy process. We didn't realize how much was required and how long it would take. We face some unique challenges because we live in Indonesia and are pursuing a domestic US infant adoption- getting documents notarized by a notary who doesn't speak English, finding a doctor on our island, if possible, to conduct our medical examinations, and locating someone who can do acceptable fingerprinting to be sent back to the States for our background checks, to name a few. Despite these challenges, we are excited to be making good progress, and we know we can trust that God's timing and plan is perfect.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Questions #1: How can we help?

As you will quickly learn, writing/blogging is not my forte, but it is a great way to keep friends and family all around the world well-informed. So I will do my best to post as progess is being made (if my four kiddos and eletricity allow). 

Being that we are in the beginning stages of this adoption, people have asked us a lot of great questions in regards ways to help, where we are in the process, our timeline, etc. So over the next couple weeks, I will try to answer those frequently asked questions. If you have any specific questions, feel free to leave them in the comments section or contact me personally ( 

Question #1: How can we help?

After announcing that we had begun the adoption process, we have received such an outpouring of support and encouragement. Thank you! Thank you for not only showing an interest in the process but also desiring to walk this journey with us. 

Here are the main ways that you can help at this time:

#1: Prayer - Pray that God would direct each step of this process and that we would have wisdom to navigate the details of a domestic US adoption while living overseas. The adoption process is thorough and time-consuming. The time which is needed to meet these requirements is compounded by living overseas. Please pray that we would not grow discouraged when the progress seems slow and that we would trust in God's perfect timing.

#2: Finances - Adoption related costs can easily total up to $35,000 or more. Expenses include (but aren't limited to) fees for application, training, home study, travel, matching, placement, post placement and the legal process. There are a variety of ways to cover these costs. In addition to applying for adoption grants, we have also begun an online fundraiser through Adopt Together. If you are interested in helping in this way, please click on the link below where tax deductible donations can be made.

Adopt Together: Toews Family Adoption Fundraiser

Stay tuned for Question #2: Where are you in the process?.

Monday, May 6, 2019


We are excited to announce that our family is expanding again! We are adopting!

Adoption is something that we have been passionate about since before we were married, and we have been seeking the heart of God ever since in discerning whether or not adoption should be part of our family's story. Through continued prayer, we see God opening this door for us at this time. 

For a variety of reasons, which I won't go into now, we have chosen to begin the process for a US domestic infant adoption. We are teaming with two agencies for this adoption- one agency will conduct our home study here in Indonesia and the other agency will be doing our matching, placement, and post-placement in the States. Through this partnership, we will be able to remain in Indonesia through the adoption process instead of having to complete it's entirety in the US. 

There is so much of this process that is out of our control, but we are thankful that the One who guided us into this adoption will lead us and direct us each step of the way. 

Stay tuned for updates.

ATTENTION: Updates now on Facebook

For the sake of ease, from here on out, all of our updates will be posted to our Toews Adoption Facebook page. If you'd like to join the...